I felt I had a HUGE weight lifted off my back. I felt empty and light.
— Patricia, San Paulo, Brazil


Serving as the cornerstone of Shannon Carson Wellness is Shannon’s signature healing, Intuitive Empathic Healing. In this healing modality, formally known as Golden Ratio Healing, Shannon taps into the very essence inherent in the divine sacred geometry of the golden ratio - harmony & balance - for stunning results, bringing your body back to optimal balance and well-being.

Utilizing her innate empathic and intuitive gifts, Shannon is able to tune into a client, feel in her own body where energy is blocked, and channel healing energy to wherever it’s needed. She is guided to the root cause and uses her own body as a conduit to pull the stuck energy out, clearing blockages and issues. These issues can stem from deeply rooted or forgotten childhood traumas or even past lives.

Shannon has helped countless individuals and cherished pets with Intuitive Empathic Healing in-person, online, and by distance/phone across the US and in over 9 countries to overcome the physical and emotional challenges of everyday life, bringing relief from long-standing issues such as chronic pain, complex fears, illness or a long forgotten emotional or physical trauma - sometimes even from a past life.

Intuitive Empathic Healing also assists in your ascension process by raising your vibration through healing and clearing your core issues.



Family Constellations is a unique form of healing designed to help reveal hidden dynamics in a family or relationship in order to address and heal any stressors impacting them. By illuminating unresolved issues within your family tree, a Constellation offers healing and clarity for issues pertaining to physical and mental health, challenging relationships, loss of a loved one, business/career decisions and soul purpose. This system evolved out of Bert Hellinger’s work as a family therapist and his belief in the energy, both positive and negative, found in familial bonds. It is an empowering, effective experience of awakening to greater perspective, and a powerful, proven way that has brought acceptance, compassion, and peace to people just like you—people with family.



The Rising Star is a powerful self-healing system. It is "self" because all healing is self-healing. The practitioner is trained to hold the energy and create the space for you to heal on whatever level you are ready for.

The Rising Star is a deep clearing and healing of old issues that enables you to change your life.  This powerful healing system works on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to assist you in removing blocks, trauma, and old spiritual issues that no longer serve you. As you clear and heal you are able to discover your true path and step into who you really are. This healing system is wonderful for times of transition and for when you feel ready to make major life changes and take giant leaps forward in your life.  The Rising Star is one of the most powerful healing systems on the planet at this time. Shannon facilitates individual healing sessions as well as Practitioner / Teacher training and certification.



Animals respond VERY well and quickly to energy healing.  Shannon utilizes her intuitive empathic healing gifts with animals in the same way she does with people. She works on her own body as the surrogate body until she feels the issue(s) clear. While she can often feel the cause of the problem and clear it, she should not be used as a substitute for a Vet. In some instances she has recommended animals be taken immediately to a Vet, which has saved lives. Normally, people contact Shannon because their Dogs, Cats, Horses, Chickens / furry babies aren't well, or have a specific condition. Often they say, 

"Fluffy is acting funny. Can you please check to see what's wrong?"

Shannon has successfully identified root causes when a Vet has had trouble diagnosing an issue. A client in Australia had a dog suffering with a chronic urinary/bladder issue. After failed medical treatments for over a year for this dog, Shannon was recommended. She felt there was bacteria in the kidneys, and suggested the Vet work from that angle.  In addition to a couple of healing sessions, the proper diagnosis cleared up the issue, which was indeed related to bacteria.



Because everything is energy, our relationships to people, places and things form spiritual connections, or cords, and affect us energetically. This includes not only family, partners, lovers, friends, pets, but also your home, office, colleagues, clients - and even strangers. You can even be BOUND to cultural / religious institutions or ceremonies that you have outgrown.

Simply put, we become emotionally corded to other people and they become corded to us. CORDS DRAIN AND DEPLETE YOU. Cords can cause us to ‘take on’ what’s not ‘ours’, and contribute to lack of motivation, lethargy, depression, stress, overwhelm and inability to focus or move forward. If you are out in the world interacting with a lot of people, traveling, see/have many clients, talk on the phone with lots of people, or just want a new beginning, consider Cord Cutting.

It can be helpful to periodically cut cords to be back in your own energy, separate from something, shift a job or situation, or simply have a new beginning.

CORD CUTTING does not seek to remove healthy emotional bonds with loved ones; rather, it clears away emotional obstructions that are limiting you consciously and unconsciously.



The Prema Birthing offers a gentle and powerful way for you to let go of what you no longer want in your life, including the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in unloving patterns. This system literally transforms the receptors in your body which in turn change the cells of biology so you can manifest the highest intention for health and happiness in your life. 

Shannon facilitates individual healing sessions as well as Practitioner / Teacher training and certification.

Environment + love + consciousness = wellness



“It feels good in here!"

Did you know that a clear space is a key factor to your overall success and wellbeing? Science has shown that everything is energy and energy is in every ‘thing’.  Overtime, energy becomes literally imprinted in the very fabric of our spaces and things, including in the walls, furniture (both new and second-hand) and other objects in the spaces we occupy. When these energies are negative, they can cause us to feel drained, irritable, stressed, depressed and literally “stuck” in life. When they are cleared, they are able to hold a higher vibration, which enables us to feel more joyful, healthy, productive, peaceful and free! There is a noticeable positive shift, even if the space did not seem negative. Ideal times to have this done include major life changes or events such as:

  • During and after illness, divorce, separation, death

  • Selling a home / Buying or moving into a new home

  • Starting or ending a relationship or job/career

  • Emotional events / traumas

  • Negative people or discord

  • You’re ready for a change - Inviting what you really want to come in, energetically

  • Have had lots of different people in the space (guests/tenants)

It’s also extremely beneficial to have this done periodically to ensure the highest, most positive vibrations for you, your family & business.



The Emotional Tour™ is a fusion movement class that guides participants through a series of emotional expressions to unleash their physical power and discover release. It fuses primal movement, sensual dance, meditation, creative visualization and celebration of the human form. Inspired by African, Tribal and Free Dance interwoven with the somatic and primal healing arts, The Emotional Tour™ creates sacred, safe spaces and invites everyone to reclaim and boldly display their power. Come experience emotional healing on a primal level in a safe space by dancing out the emotions locked away in your body. Dance your joy and celebrate your radiance!

Shannon is proud to be one of 60 certified The Emotional Tour™ (formally known as Femme!®) Teachers around the world.

Emotional Healing. Primal Movement. Sensual Celebration. Live African Drums.



Reiki brings a person to wholeness, balancing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Reiki, meaning universal, and Ki, meaning energy or vital life force, is a safe, gentle, and effective technique that has been around for centuries. It is not a religion and is a pure healing energy from source, therefore it is in harmony with all belief systems. Like The Golden Ratio and the Rising Star, Reiki can be facilitated for both people and pets, with incredible results!

Shannon is a Reiki Master, facilitating individual healing sessions as well as Reiki training and certification - All levels.



Get trapped emotions like rage & grief out of your body.

We all know that science has shown that everything is energy and when these energies in our fields and bodies are negative, they can cause us to feel drained, irritable, stressed, depressed, ill, and literally “stuck” in life. When they are cleared, we are able to hold a higher vibration, which enables us to feel more joyful, healthy, productive, peaceful and free!

In this private session, Shannon will facilitate a powerful “Emotional Purge” (that will be done together), and teach you how to physically move the trapped emotions of Rage and Grief out of your body and transform them to JOY! You’ll also learn exactly what to do to release stress, tension and emotion that builds up daily, and how to find the right music for you to perform these for yourself in the future.

Intuitive Empathic Healing




Serving as the cornerstone of Shannon Carson Wellness is Shannon’s signature healing, Intuitive Empathic Healing, formerly known as Golden Ratio Healing.  As an empath with a high degree of intuition, Shannon clearly receives/sees/knows/feels AND clears whatever is in the way of wellness in a client during an Intuitive Empathic Healing session. Utilizing her innate empathic and intuitive gifts, Shannon tunes into you or your pet, and uses her own body as a conduit to direct healing energy channeled through her hands to wherever it’s needed.  During this particular healing, Shannon connects with the Golden Ratio – tapping into the energy and essence of it – to find and clear whatever stands in the way of harmony and balance in ones being. Performed over the phone or Skype, Shannon explains in precise detail what information she is receiving and what she is feeling as she moves the energy out through her own body.  This process brings through exactly what a client needs to restore wellness.

Clients are always amazed at what she finds, and she's humbled to be a healer whom other healers trust to get to the root cause of whatever is standing in the way of their health and happiness - whether it’s something that has never been verbalized to another person or a long forgotten emotional or physical trauma.  Everyone is deeply grateful for the clearing/healing and report feeling lighter, free and like a new person. The results are profound, immediate and lasting.   

Based on decades of experience, Shannon recommends 3 sessions spaced about a week apart, although each session stands alone and is absolutely complete on its own.  For optimal results, three sessions are recommended. Each session promotes deeper relaxation, allowing the mind to let go, so that deeper issues can be addressed.

From time to time, Shannon announces Group Intuitive Empathic Distance Healing events. Join Shannon’s mailing list to stay in the know.


The Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio - The Golden Ratio is a precise, mathematical figure (specifically, 1.618) - a logarithmic phenomenon - that creates and repeats an organic, spiral form that can be found everywhere – from the designs of iconic structures through the ages and throughout nature’s forms - across nature, in ferns, flowers, sea shells, even galaxies and hurricanes – to our physical bodies (healthy hearts exhibit it). It’s everywhere, in the very fabric of our beings and our existence. It is said that this is the Divine Code of our universe, with profound power to enhance health and longevity through its understanding and application. Applying and harmonizing with this principle and ratio can bring greater efficiency, harmony, happiness, health and success into your life.

Clear Yourself, Free Yourself


Deep Ancestral Healing

Family Constellation / Movements of the Soul

Create Peace for yourself and Throughout your Family Lineage

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An example of a Family Constellation facilitated by Shannon with Playmobil figures.

The Greater Soul moves in only one direction, and that is to bring into union that which has been made separate.
— Bert Hellinger

There’s a saying, “If you do not know your history, you won’t know where you’re going.” Doing family constellation work can help you see the patterns that are influencing you today and help you understand that the behavioral patterns you experience did not start with you—but can end with you if you choose.

Shannon facilitating a FAMILY CONSTELLATION at Creacon Wellness Retreat Centre in Dublin, Ireland.

Family Constellation work illuminates unresolved issues within your family system, reconnecting the disconnected or excluded members, to allow love to flow throughout. It corrects unhealthy entanglements and works through issues in your ancestry or current family which impact you in profound ways. This very deep and powerful healing work can also be used in decision-making or to bring healing and clarity to other current life situations. This system evolved out of Bert Hellinger’s work as a family therapist and his belief in the energy found in familial bonds, both positive and negative. It is an empowering, effective experience of awakening to greater perspective, and a powerful, proven way that has brought acceptance, compassion, and peace to people around the world.

Shannon delves deeper into the ancestral patterns and energies that shape every level of our lives. Shannon’s unique style of constellation work includes her innate ability to move blocked energies throughout the family system, using her signature Intuitive Empathic Healing modality and an essential oils technique to clear emotional patterns.

Benefits—Have a Family Constellation for:

  • Soothing your family dynamic & spark family healing

  • Relationship issues

  • Decision-making

  • Resolving conflict

  • Illuminating unconscious disruptive patterns

  • Guidance and healing

  • Restoring balance & harmony in relationships

  • Making peace with the past

  • Healing health issues

  • Resolving unhealthy entanglements

  • Uncovering hidden dynamics & loyalties in family system

  • Help with financial, career or business decisions or conflicts

Family Constellations have helped people from all walks of life find new, unprecedented peace through a broader viewpoint and a shift in consciousness.

What can you use it for?

Because we have a relationship with everyone and everything we interact with, the possibilities for healing, gaining perspective and benefiting from Constellation work is limitless. Constellation work is a uniquely powerful way of solving complex problems that you struggle to answer and can be used for a variety of personal or professional relationship issues.

Family constellations are typically facilitated one of two ways: in a group or private, one-on-one.

In an individual session, when specifically focusing on the family energy field, Shannon utilizes Playmobil figures (as developed by Sieglinde Schneider) as representatives for the significant family members identified. Through the intention of the client to work on a specific issue, be it physical, emotional or spiritual, the family energy field becomes present in the room just as in group work. The issue often appears as a symptom of the hidden dynamics within the family system.

In the constellation, energy blocks or entanglements are exposed so they can be addressed. The unresolved energy blocks or issues between family members may be released through specific statements, movements, or emotional patterns by the different family members represented by the Playmobil figures allowing the energy to flow freely within the family field.

Once the natural flow of energy has been restored, the family field can come into balance. Every member in the family, living or deceased is affected even though they were not physically present for the individual session.

We embark on the path to peace through the perspective of working with the feminine and masculine energies that are present in your Family Lineage – a lineage that stems back generations upon generations.

Through this approach, you can begin to realize your place in the vast tapestry of your ancestral lineage.

HOW IT’S DONE - You will be asked for an intention that you can put into three succinct sentences. We start at the beginning, the start of identification with the problem or challenge you’d like help with or resolve. i.e., “my sister and I aren’t close” “it never felt like my mother loved me” or “I can’t seem to get XXX.”

GET STARTED - You’ll be asked to complete a Genogram and an INTAKE FORM to help make the best use of your session time. You’ll gain clarity and better connection with your lineage, and help Shannon see your family structure and find the disconnects or entanglements she needs to address. Do not worry if you don’t know or have certain information. Simply start with the information you have.

This Constellation experience has been amazing. Thank you so much. I had no idea how deeply this could go. It’s amazing could be so entangled with someone I never met! The disentanglement made all the difference.
— CS, Washington DC

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
— Rumi

The Constellation method expands what we can see in a given system, things that have been unconscious, blind, and excluded are included in our field of awareness. As Carl Jung said, all inner work aims to make the unconscious conscious, this, in turn, expands our circle of connection and is a healing gesture for all involved. 

Stay tuned for online group Family Constellations workshops in 2024 …

Playmobil figures serving as representatives for the significant family members identified during Family Constellations facilitated by Shannon.

My Constellation experience with Shannon was life-changing. I’m also a Family Constellation facilitator and I’ve done many Constellations before but during this constellation we worked with the energy of my father and some of the traumas he suffered in his family. I avoided this side of my family because of the amount of grief and anger I had. Since my constellation, the biggest shift I’ve noticed is that my father has become softer. For the first time in my whole life, I’ve witnessed him being kind to himself. He began fishing again, and even has taken my mom on dates and recently told all of his daughters, including me, to be happy and have a great life! I highly recommend Shannon if you are dealing with any family issues that have felt hard to heal.
— Leora Edut, Detroit, MI/ New York, NY

What is it?

What’s the first picture you see when you think about your family tree?

What adjective describes your family?

How would you talk about it?


Family Constellation work was developed by German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, considered one of the most innovative and influential therapists in the world of psychotherapy. This healing approach is a unique integration of diverse elements that blend years of Hellinger’s training and experience with numerous modalities as a way of disentangling the current members of a family from the unresolved issues of previous generations, so that love can flow from one generation to the next.

Hellinger’s background includes both traditional, extensive, classical psychological training and other distinct influences including, becoming a Jesuit priest for the Zulu in South Africa, serving as the headmaster of a missionary school for 16 of his 25 years there, and experiencing combat, capture and imprisonment as a prisoner of war of the Allies after being drafted into the German army at age 17. 

During his time in South Africa, Hellinger was exposed to interracial ecumenical training in group dynamics led by the Anglican clergy. Their approach to dialogue, phenomenology and individual human experience influenced his later work.  After leaving the religious order amicably, he pursued training in psychoanalysis, Gestalt Therapy with Ruth Cohn and Hilarion Petzold and studied Neuro-Linguistic Programming and hypnotherapy with Milton Erickson. He studied family therapy with Ruth McClendon, Leslie Kadis, and Thea Schonfelder and Jay Haley’s perverse triangle wherein he discovered the importance of hierarchy in families. He trained with Arthur Janov, Virginia Satir and Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and Janov’s primal scream, a body-based therapeutic experience, and then later became familiar with the dynamics of identification and of invisible bonds and hidden loyalties.

Extrapolating various aspects of all his major influences, Hellinger created the Family Constellation approach to healing the family field, or lineage in the mid-1990s, and shared this with the world. This system is hugely popular around the world, and popular constellation is around the world, (it seems to be slower in catching on in the US) and in fact, it is used in the judicial system in South America for people to work out issues so that they don’t have to go to court.

Check Events Calendar for upcoming group constellations or join Shannon’s Calendar of Events mailing list to stay in the know and receive periodic healing workshop / event and other special announcements. 

Private & Group / Family Constellations Retreats Available Upon Request

Rising Star Healing System & Training /Certification


Revitalize your being with the life-sustaining energy of the sun

Scientists has proven that everything is energy. With humans and animals, energy fields operate inside our bodies (chakra system) and outside our bodies (auric system). When our energetic vibration decreases, dis-ease and imbalance can occur on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

The Rising Star Healing System™ is an extraordinarily powerful system sourced from an ancient Tibetan lineage. It works by directing energy through the client’s chakra system, working on the five elements; fire, water, air, earth and ether, so that your entire being can start to balance and heal. A single treatment starts to raise the vibration of the human energy field, to hold more life force energy, so it can re-balance the body. 

The energy work continues after the session to clear the chakra and auric system for 21 days, moving through the 7 energy points (chakras) three times. As such, 3 weeks between sessions is best. For optimal results, three sessions are recommended. Each session promotes deeper relaxation, allowing the mind to let go, so deeper issues can be addressed. Keep in mind, medical professionals should be consulted in all situations.

A Rising Star brings healing to all levels, addressing both the symptoms and the cause of the dis-ease – thus making it an extraordinarily comprehensive and effective system of treatment.  The Rising Star was developed by Derek O’Neill, it is a beautiful experiential system that has transformed the lives of thousands of people around the world, bringing happiness, peace and relief from many forms of suffering. It is very gentle and incredibly powerful, all it takes to work is your willingness to heal.

Shannon Carson truly has healing hands. After my sessions with her, I always feel like a new person with no pain, no tension and a renewed sense of peacefulness. I was with Shannon one day when my back pain was so bad I could barely walk. She had me pain free and back to normal in 15 minutes!
— Mark Cortale, Provincetown, RI

"Illness is a gift, because it always comes with a message. Many illnesses are caused by trapped emotions. Release your emotions and you will release your illness.” Derek O’Neill

Become a Rising Star Practitioner


During these powerful Practitioner Initiation Workshops, you will receive training materials, in-class practice, certification, a source-to-source initiation and access to SQ Membership. For more information, please visit:

Pet Healing


For Our Furry Loved Ones / Anytime & Emergencies

Fluffy is acting funny. Can you fix what’s wrong?
— Anxious Pet Parents

You can assist your pet with:

  • Illness

  • Pain Management

  • Anxiety

  • Bereavement (our pets grieve too)

  • New environment

  • Faster recovery from procedures or surgery

  • Adjustment and healing for rescues

  • Arthritis

  • New baby/ new pet / new adult in the house

  • Relief, Balance and Assistance for older pets and transition

  • Assistance in emergency situations (not to be substituted for vet / emergency services)

Real Pets. Real Results.

House Calls, Barn Calls & Coop Calls | Any Breed, Where Ever They Are

Animals respond VERY well and quickly to energy healing.  Shannon utilizes her intuitive empathic healing gifts with animals in the same way she does with people. She works on her own body as the surrogate body until she feels the issue(s) clear. While she can often feel the cause of the problem and clear it, she should not be used as a substitute for a Vet. In some instances she has recommended animals be taken immediately to a Vet, which has saved lives. Normally, people contact Shannon because their Dogs, Cats, Horses, Chickens / furry babies aren't well, or have a specific condition.  Often they say, 

"Fluffy is acting funny. Can you please check to see what's wrong?"

Someone called with this very question thinking her dog only had an issue with bleeding gums. Tuning in, Shannon felt a serious emergency situation and told the owner to get her dog to the vet immediately.  Her dog actually had a rare autoimmune disease and was bleeding internally. Going to the Vet saved his life. Another distance client has a young Boxer who was having multiple seizures. The seizures stopped for 6 weeks after just two pet healing sessions. Most recently her dog has gone a record 50 days without a seizure. Even though this issue has not completely cleared, the client has found that her dog is going longer and longer between episodes. She feels Shannon’s work has truly helped.

In multiple instances, Shannon's Pet Healing Sessions have saved pets' lives. 

Even the ER vets were amazed at how quickly Mango recovered, which, in my opinion, was due to a combination of their care and Shannon’s healing.
— Happy, Relieved Dog Owner (Brooke T. - Colorado)
Shannon facilitating a pet healing session on Gus, who clearly loved receiving the healing energies.

Shannon facilitating a pet healing session on Gus, who clearly loved receiving the healing energies.

Regular energy treatments for pets

… can make all the difference in extending - and enhancing - the lives of our beloved fur babies.

Shannon has successfully identified root causes when a Vet has had trouble diagnosing an issue. A client in Australia had a dog suffering with a chronic urinary/bladder issue. After failed medical treatments for over a year for this dog, Shannon was recommended. She felt there was bacteria in the kidneys, and suggested the Vet work from that angle.  In addition to a couple of healing sessions, the proper diagnosis cleared up the issue, which was indeed related to bacteria.

With Shannon’s own dog, she felt something abnormal in her dog's ankle, which the the vet initially diagnosed as arthritis. Shannon insisted on different tests because she felt there was something more serious than the vet's diagnosis.  After new tests, they discovered bone cancer. With the right diagnosis, you can heal problems more quickly.

To help that young Boxer become seizure-free, Shannon suggested the owner pursue energy healing training so her dog can have more regular sessions and instant help from her owner.

In another situation, Shannon was aware that something was not right with her sister’s dog. Later that day the dog began to bloat, which is a serious condition that can kill a dog within an hour. Shannon insisted that they get the dog to the Vet immediately. Shannon worked on the dog from a distance as she was being rushed to the clinic. The owners lived in the country, far from the Vet and time was of the essence. Shannon and the owners believe not only getting the dog to the vet quickly but the distance healing helped to save her life.

Barn Calls

Shannon has worked with and helped a wide range of animals in person, and more often, through distant pet healing sessions - for some obvious reasons!

Shannon has worked with and helped a wide range of animals in person, and more often, through distant pet healing sessions - for some obvious reasons!


While Shannon's pet healings are quite effective in discovering and clearing problems, at times she also finds that the owners are also in need of sessions, and sometimes even an animal's environment needs clearing. Animals absorb emotional energy and physical issues from their owners and their environments. When you are dealing with a lot of stress or trauma such as divorce or illness it can be very helpful to arrange a healing session for yourself as well as your pet. Likewise, it is oftentimes very helpful for the owner to be in the process of clearing their issues as well as their environment while their pet is having a session.  The BEST way to heal, clear and shift is to consider your whole environment AND remember your WHOLE family, furry, 2-legged, 4-legged, tails or no tails.


"Shannon has helped with all my fur babies over the past 7 years.  Her ability to tap into their hearts helped me save my dog’s life and also nurture my cat as he transitioned. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to know what is happening within their pet’s being and it is 100% worth it. Don’t spend your time worrying when you can get some guidance and support.  Archie, Joey, Rocky and myself are fur-ever grateful” -- Katie K. CT

Whether they trot, bark, meow or fly, Shannon connects easily with your animal to help them clear issues.

Whether they trot, bark, meow or fly, Shannon connects easily with your animal to help them clear issues.

Cut the cords the bind and free yourself.

AFTER CORD CUTTING PEOPLE REPORT FEELING FREE, light, clear, relief, grounded, centered, calm, peaceful, more ‘like themselves’, and better able to stand in their own power.

Shannon’s Cord Cutting session was an answer to a prayer, EXACTLY what I needed - FAST RELIEF. After my Cord Cutting with Shannon I felt RELIEF (thank God! / Shannon!) - like a huge weight had come off - and back to myself. I’d been feeling really drained, very heavy, burdened, a bit lost and off - like my inner navigational system was off - with a hard time focusing and my usual pep and energy gone. At the time, I was working with a lot of different clients, some more closely than others, and eventually lost steam and my ability to focus. I felt like I was carrying around a depressive load. It was very clear to me that how I was feeling had nothing to do with simply being tired or stressed - I wasn’t myself and needed and wanted to find my way back to myself quickly. I called Shannon because she has helped me numerous times over the years to clear myself and find enormous relief through her intuitive empathic healings by phone. When I called her and explained what I was feeling, Shannon helped me see that I was not feeling myself because I had so much of everyone else’s stuff and recommended a Cord Cutting instead in this instance.

If you work with many clients or interact with many people I highly recommend this unique session. It’s fast, easy (Shannon does all the work) and most importantly, EFFECTIVE in bringing immediate relief, centeredness, and my energy back! I’m so glad I experienced this session with her now too, and will remember to have a Cord Cutting periodically to keep me fine tuned!
— Jennifer Anderson, New York


“CORD CUTTINGS” are between 20-30 minute sessions, great when you are short on time, need fast relief, want a fresh start or need some help to make a change. They can bring a renewed sense of clarity, freedom, relief, centeredness, lightness in being and a peaceful calm.

“CLEAR ME NOW” is a package of THREE 15-min. ‘emergency’ sessions that feature Shannon’s popular Intuitive Empathic Healing Energy. They are for existing clients only*, meant for performance jitters, angst and anxiety before a presentation, interview, performance, or even a difficult conversation. They can also be used to clear an intense migraine or other challenging situations. During these sessions, Shannon may be guided to do a Cord Cutting.

*FOR EXISTING CLIENTS ONLY - Here’s why - It’s practical, not personal. With session times condensed, it’s essential Shannon is able to jump in quicker and minimize consulting time. Existing clients already have an understanding of how Shannon works and Shannon generally knows clients’ history.

Note: You only need to have had 1 full session to be considered an ‘existing client’ and enjoy this special Clear Me Now 3-Pack of 15-min sessions for $100.

CUT the ties that bind


Because everything is energy, our relationships to people, places and things form spiritual connections, or cords, and affect us energetically. This includes not only family, partners, lovers, friends, pets, but also your home, office, colleagues, clients - and even strangers. You can even be BOUND to cultural / religious institutions or ceremonies that you have outgrown.

Simply put, we become emotionally corded to other people and they become corded to us. CORDS DRAIN AND DEPLETE YOU. Cords can cause us to take on what’s not ours, and contribute to lack of motivation, lethargy, depression, stress, overwhelm and inability to focus or move forward. If you are out in the world interacting with a lot of people, traveling, see/have many clients, talk on the phone with lots of people, or just want a new beginning, consider Cord Cutting.

It can be helpful to periodically cut cords to be back in your own energy, separate from something, shift a job or situation, or simply have a new beginning.

CORD CUTTING does not seek to remove healthy emotional bonds with loved ones; rather, it clears away emotional obstructions that are limiting you consciously and unconsciously.


When you:

  • feel drained, heavy or OFF

  • end a relationship, job or project

  • work with many clients

  • don’t feel like yourself/need fast relief/short on time

  • unable to take action or move forward

  • want a fresh start/change in life, love, living arrangement or job

  • are having a hard time letting go of tangible things or places

Cord Cutting sessions require no more than 30 minutes, making them a fast, effective and economic way to bring specific relief.

NOTE: This is NOT a talk session - you do NOT need to delve into the situation or the person, and Cord Cutting does NOT take the place of Shannon’s other healings / programs to work on deep, core issues. SEE SIDE FAQ & FULLER FAQ

SIGNS you need a cord cutting:

You feel drained around people. This comes from cords holding the energy from unresolved issues and negative emotions; from potential unconscious (or even conscious) siphoning from another individual; disruption in the natural, harmonious flow of your energy/auric field.

You feel resentful or triggered by a person, situation or event. Maybe you’re feeling victimized, jealous or envious of something, or perhaps you’ve had a break but having trouble moving on or shifting a pattern.

You can’t stop thinking about a particular person, despite trying.

Distracted from the enjoying present moment with thoughts about another person or situation.

Stuck in an old, unhealthy pattern despite an old relationship ending, you continue to attract same toxic pattern. For example, abandonment, abuse, betrayal, co-dependency, etc.

You are seeing person in dreams, whether you’re playing out unfulfilled desires or working out or reenacting drama and other scenarios.

Tough time forgiving / Holding on to feelings of bitterness, resentment and anger.

Shannon’s cord cuttings changed my life! Many years ago when I was going through a massive life upgrade and breakup, I asked Shannon to do a cord cutting and it helped me let go of an unhealthy relationship with not just my ex but my self. My experience was so profound that I had her do another 12 years later. This time when I needed her support it was around releasing a deep pattern of self abuse and relationships in my business where I was not respected. And BOY did it work. I felt a huge release in myself. And I also found that it supported me in creating the types of communications and relationships I actually wanted. Weeks later my boyfriend got a huge promotion at work and our relationship got stronger. And my own business got stronger too! We both suddenly felt totally worthy of all the love and abundance coming our way and it feels AWESOME!!

If you’re in a place where you know you need change but it just feels like a lot of work or like you’re stuck in a heavy place, do a cord cutting. It will help you in ways you can’t even imagine. And don’t forget to let yourself receive it!
— Katie Kozlowski, Wilton, Connecticut

Prema Birthing Healing System & Training / Certification



The Prema Birthing Healing System™ is a gentle and powerful way to let go of the negative programming and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck.  A Prema Birthing healing allows you to completely redesign your life by wiping the slate clean, choosing a new reality and allowing the highest intention for health and happiness to manifest in your life. It’s much like removing old programs from your computer and putting new positive programs in their place.

Each of us is born with a set of circumstances that creates our experiences. As we live, we can accumulate fears, false belief systems and negative ideas. As we become aware of the things that no longer serve us, a Prema Birthing session can help to release them and allow the highest intention for health and happiness to manifest in your life.

The Prema Birthing session can eliminate all kinds of dis-ease from your mind, body, and spirit. This is achieved by directing high vibrational energy into the receptors of the body, which in turn changes the cells of your biology. The energetic support that is created during the healing session, combined with the intention to heal and open to the best version of ourselves, quite literally helps us manifest a new reality.

You may notice habitual patterns, addictions, self-sabotage, phobias, anxiety, and other self-defeating patterns that no longer serve you drop away – making room for new perspectives and a greater sense of peace and happiness.

Prema Birthing can be traced back to the ancient sleep temples of Egypt and the secret teachings of the yogis, who understood the mind was the creator of our reality. The Prema Birthing expands on this philosophy, to include the most important piece of the formula: Environment + love + consciousness = wellness

Become a Prema Birthing Healer -  Initiation Workshop


During these powerful Practitioner/Teacher Initiation Workshops, you will receive training materials, in-class practice, certification, a source-to-source initiation and access to SQ Membership. 

For more information please visit:



Anywhere you live, work, love and play.


Out with the old, In with the NEW

The art of clearing, and shifting old, stuck or negative energies through energy clearing techniques has been used by various cultures for centuries.  It’s also used to invite and call in energetically what you really want to create in life. Different from decluttering and Feng Shui, Space Clearing involves the use of various energy clearing techniques, performed in a particular way and a precise order to clear energetic imprinting and enhance the energy of your home or office.  

 “It feels good in here!"

Did you know that a clear space is a key factor to your overall success and wellbeing? Science has shown that everything is energy and energy is in every ‘thing’.  Overtime, energy becomes literally imprinted in the very fabric of our spaces and things, including in the walls, furniture (both new and second-hand) and other objects in the spaces we occupy. When these energies are negative, they can cause us to feel drained, irritable, stressed, depressed and literally “stuck” in life. When they are cleared, they are able to hold a higher vibration, which enables us to feel more joyful, healthy, productive, peaceful and free! There is a noticeable positive shift, even if the space did not seem negative.

Ideal times to have this done include major life changes or events such as:

  • During and after illness, divorce, separation, death

  • Selling a home / Buying or moving into a new home

  • In between tenants in a rental / AirBnB / VRBO properties

  • Starting or ending a relationship or job/career

  • Emotional events / traumas

  • Negative people or discord

  • You’re ready for a change - Inviting what you really want to come in, energetically

  • Have had lots of different people in the space (guests/tenants)

It’s also extremely beneficial to have this done periodically to ensure the highest, most positive vibrations for you, your family & business. Prices vary depending on size of space. Can be done onsite in NY area and at a distant where ever the space is. Shannon will travel for additional fee. Call for free consultation, estimate or booking.

I was expecting the usual New Age approach, but was in for a wonderful surprise. Shannon is a talented, refreshingly cheerful, tremendously kind modern professional. Not only does she make the subject of the healing session feel better, the whole atmosphere of my apartment was lighter and happier when she left.
— Sue T., New York, NY

Reiki Healing & Online Training / Certification



Rei meaning universal and Ki meaning energy or vital life force is a safe, gentle, and effective technique that has been around for centuries. It is not a religion and is a pure healing energy from source, therefore it is in harmony with all belief systems. Reiki brings a person to wholeness, balancing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Some of the benefits of a Reiki session include:

  • Pain Relief

  • Faster recovery from ailments and surgeries

  • Stress Relief

  • Deep Relaxation

  • Better Sleep

  • Energy Balancing

  • And much more!

Learn to be a Reiki Master


Reiki is an easy and amazing healing system that has been around for centuries. One can learn the basics and become a competent hands-on healer in a day! Many healers I know began with Reiki, myself included. It is a great place to start if you want to become a practitioner. It can be safely used on pets and children and you can even use it on yourself. Reiki has become very main stream and many people are now open to receiving it. SHANNON IS NOW FACILITATING ONLINE REIKI TRAINING.

Reiki 1 - In this level, you will learn the basics of Reiki. The history, uses and hand positions are taught and the student receives an “attunement” or initiation that opens the channels of the body. This attunement “flips a switch” so to speak that enables the energy of Reiki to flow through you to another being. It is this attunement that brings forth the unique energy of Reiki to make the student a practitioner.

Reiki 2 – Three symbols are taught in this level that will allow the practitioner to give distance healings, send the energy into the past or future, clear and strengthen food or medicines and other uses. This level also requires an attunement that strengthens the practitioners healing ability.

Reiki 3 – This is the Master or teaching level. More symbols are taught and the practitioner is attuned to Master and learns to pass attunements and teach Reiki.


Emotional Wellness through Movement


Emotional Healing. Primal Movement. Live African Drums.

Reunite. Recharge, and Renew at The Emotional Tour™

Dance your joy and celebrate your radiance!  

Experience emotional healing on a primal level in a safe space by dancing out the emotions locked away in your body.

What is the Emotional Tour™?

Femme!® is a fusion movement class for men and women that guides participants through a series of emotional expressions to unleash their physical power and discover releaseIt fuses primal movement, sensual dance, meditation, creative visualization and celebration of the human form. Inspired by African, Tribal and Free Dance interwoven with the somatic and primal healing arts, Femme!® creates sacred, safe spaces and invites everyone to reclaim and boldly display their power.

“The Femme! Experience is incredible.”

Femme!® offers a uniquely meditative take on movement, fitness, and wellness, Femme!® is set to live drums uniting elements of dance and meditation. Femme!® participants take an emotional tour through joy, rage, and more to reach a place of catharsis and empowerment. Built on a heart-rate system, Femme! starts out slow and gently builds to a peak—physically and emotionally—before coming down. Touch, vocalizations, and a live drum circle ease the transitions along this journey and build community.

Founded by healer, dancer, and entrepreneur Bernadette Pleasant, Femme!® has more than 60 certified instructors across the United States, Canada, China and the United Kingdom. 

I have never experienced so much freedom and acceptance of my own body it’s really magical ...

Why Emotional Tour™?

In today’s world we are bombarded with experiences that draw us away from a pleasurable sense of ease in our minds and bodies. Everything from daily stressors, to fatigue, to trauma can leave us feeling tense, depleted, unhealthy and out of balance. That’s why Femme!® was created. They are fun, sexy, liberating practices that take us on a journey back to ourselves.

I enjoyed the experience immensely, I went away feeling light and healed ...

Femme!® reconnects us to our innate power; coaxing us out of our heads and back into the sensual strength of our bodies. They integrate primal and universal traditions with contemporary movements in a way that gives us a feeling of reconnection to ourselves. They remove the voices of judgement, reduce stress, inspire creativity and activate our inner juiciness.

The Femme!® movements are designed to: lubricate our joints, activate muscles, titillate the skin, release endorphins, ease the mind and energize our entire bodies with a sexy sweat. The experience also gives us permission to be free, play and explore.

It’s not about linear dance steps or traditionally masculine approaches to exercise. It’s not about “fixing” anything. Instead, these experiences are an invitation to be fully engaged in our own natural rhythms. No matter where we are, we are encouraged to “bring” it! Bring all their “stuff” to the experience and leave feeling full, more expanded, empowered and in love with ourselves.

Femme!® are inclusive, affirming practices that welcome students of all ages, shapes, sizes, genders and levels of fitness and ability.

Experience the Power of Femme!®

Empower yourself / Dance your joy / Celebrate your radiance!    

Emotions in Motion Nyc 201.jpg

Who is Femme!® for?

Anyone & Everyone / ALL are Welcome!

Femme!® welcomes students of all ages, shapes, sizes, genders and levels of fitness and ability. Femme!® is for anyone looking for a safe space to heal emotional pain, enhance well-being, reduce stress, build confidence, increase creativity, get in touch with themselves on a primal level and have fun! It’s for anyone seeking to be “Seen. Heard. Felt. Loved. Filled.” - Femme!® Experience participant.


Check Events Calendar for upcoming workshops or join Shannon’s Calendar of Events list to stay in the know and receive periodic workshop / event and other special announcements. 

Private and group workshops / retreats available upon request.


Get. It. ALL. Out!

Come as you are. Finish transformed.


The process of Emotional Purge, and clearing old, stuck or negative energies through techniques such as dance, music and expression, has been used by various cultures for centuries. “Emotional Purge” is one of the most valuable teachings Shannon has ever learned, and she continues to use this for the valuable healing and clearing it brings as needed.

NOTE: It is ideal to have privacy for your session. If you can’t be alone, it is still beneficial to have this session and empower yourself with this training.

Work it out, express it out, get it OUT

NEW!! Private 30-minute 1:1 Online “Heal from Home” Emotional Purge sessions.

Get trapped emotions like rage & grief out of your body.

We all know that science has shown that everything is energy and when these energies in our fields and bodies are negative, they can cause us to feel drained, irritable, stressed, depressed, ill, and literally “stuck” in life. When they are cleared, we are able to hold a higher vibration, which enables us to feel more joyful, healthy, productive, peaceful and free!

In this private session, Shannon will facilitate a powerful “Emotional Purge” (that will be done together), and teach you how to physically move the trapped emotions of Rage and Grief out of your body and transform them to JOY! You’ll also learn exactly what to do to release stress, tension and emotion that builds up daily, and how to find the right music for you to perform these for yourself in the future.

Ideal times to do this include major life changes or events such as:

  • When you know you’re mad, sad enraged or have grief

  • During and after divorce, separation, death

  • Ending a relationship or job/career

  • Emotional events / traumas

  • Negative people or discord in relationships of any kind

  • Challenging life events and situations


MLL / Mindfullness. Meditation. Well-being.

Proven methodologies & techniques for living your best life.

The MLL Class is delightful. An uplifting, informative session which includes a variety of meditations, exercises and amazing music! Shannon tunes into you and the energy of the class- it can be as detail oriented or as broad as you require that day.
The “intention” of the room is set in such a way, that it easy to assimilate the information and “go deeper” without being overwhelmed. You leave with your frequency level raised, blocks removed and your “Spiritual Toolbox” enhanced.
— Maureen T., New York, NY (MLL Workshop Attendee)

  Come create the life you really want to live, personally & professionally

Inspired by best-selling book and film Mum’s List, a Mum’s List Legacy Wellness (MLL) workshop is a motivational and wellness workshop for men and women that empowers participants to live with greater ease, no matter what life brings.

Featuring a unique combination of guided meditations, self-exploratory exercises and proven mindfulness and well-being techniques that inspire self-care, personal development and joy, MLL workshops leave people positively changed!

Developed by Derek O'Neill, internationally acclaimed author, motivational speaker, psychotherapist and philanthropist, MLL Wellness workshops utilizes mindfulness (spirit), motivation (mind) and wellness (body) techniques to enable people to help people overcome obstacles to happiness, transform limiting beliefs live their BEST life. You'll learn how to achieve goals faster, become more resilient, and better handle life’s greatest challenges, including anxiety, stress, illness, relationships and loss in all forms.

Experience for yourself the latest in science-backed well-being techniques.   

Bring the Power of MLL to your Organization ...

Personal Empowerment for Professional Success

Be Better in Business


MLL is ideal for business, with a specialized program that helps employees connect with and experience the positive benefits of mindfulness in business, teaching powerful techniques that inspires excellence, builds confidence, increases motivation and creativity, reduces stress, improves communication and relationships, and enhances overall wellness.


Check Events Calendar for upcoming workshops or join Shannon’s Calendar of Events list to stay in the know and receive periodic workshop / event and other special announcements. 

All MLL workshops require pre-registration on (select a date) to receive workshop materials.

Private and group workshops available upon request.

Healing Symbols

Symbols and descriptions by Derek O'Neill

Prema Agni

Represents the unification of peace

Prema Agni represents the unification of peace. In this symbol, all religions are honored, all mathematical laws are honored, and all manifestation is honored. This symbol can be drawn on anyone by anyone to open the sacred heart and return inclusiveness and unity into our lives. 

The Prema Agni offers a powerful energy treatment by simply drawing it on the back. Drawing the symbol opens up the sacred heart, allowing us to give and receive love more deeply. It can be drawn on anyone, by anyone. To honor this system, we ask that upon receiving this symbol, you pledge to donate $7 to a good cause (not to the person who draws it for you).

To learn how to draw the Prema Agni symbol, click HERE




Rising Star

The top of the star represents the Crown Chakra. The heart shape represents the Heart Chakra. The bottom, center of the triangle is the Root Chakra. Therefore within the symbol, the seven chakras are represented. There are five strokes coming from the bottom of the star and three strokes coming out of the sides of the star. The three strokes on each side of the star are wings and the five strokes below are a tail. Together they represent the peacock, which represents the ego.
Five plus three equals eight. Eight and three equal eleven. The number eleven is Christ Consciousness.





Manifestation Through The 8-Fold Path

Premapranahuti is the third symbol of the trinity, following Prema Agni and Rising Star – three being the number of manifestation. This symbol represents prana (chi), the life force energy that permeates the universe. This type of energy is associated with action fueled by breath.

This symbol also represents the 8 Fold Path, also known as the Middle Path in Buddhism. This symbol is a part of a trinity of symbols known as: Aum Sri Prema Agni, Aum Shri Rising Star and Aum Shri Premapranahuti. Three is the number of manifestation and this symbol manifests the three Yagna fires for all who see or wear it. In most religions, three also represents the three sources of  the Divine, i.e. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva etc. The Prema Agni represents the awakening of the sacred heart so that unconditional love flows. The Rising Star represents the physical body which is in need of guidance and healing from the Divine source. The Premapranahuti represents the Divine breath, the Life Source of all creation. It represents a way of living, a reminder to love all, serve all and live in love. The Premapranahuti comes from Source to humanity to awaken us to the Divine nature that is within us so that we may be free to walk the path of service to humanity. The symbol itself is an amalgamation of all that has ever or will ever be created in Divine accord.



workshops. trainings. talks.

For some Wellness Workshops and Energy Healing Trainings, including Reiki - (All levels) Certification, Prema Birthing and Rising Star Practitioner Training, pre-registration is required for course materials.

Be in the know ... join Shannon's list to receive periodic news