Come as you are. Finish transformed.


The process of Emotional Purge, and clearing old, stuck or negative energies through techniques such as dance, music and expression, has been used by various cultures for centuries. “Emotional Purge” is one of the most valuable teachings Shannon has ever learned, and she continues to use this for the valuable healing and clearing it brings as needed.

NOTE: It is ideal to have privacy for your session. If you can’t be alone, it is still beneficial to have this session and empower yourself with this training.

Work it out, express it out, get it OUT

NEW!! Private 30-minute 1:1 Online “Heal from Home” Emotional Purge sessions.

Get trapped emotions like rage & grief out of your body.

We all know that science has shown that everything is energy and when these energies in our fields and bodies are negative, they can cause us to feel drained, irritable, stressed, depressed, ill, and literally “stuck” in life. When they are cleared, we are able to hold a higher vibration, which enables us to feel more joyful, healthy, productive, peaceful and free!

In this private session, Shannon will facilitate a powerful “Emotional Purge” (that will be done together), and teach you how to physically move the trapped emotions of Rage and Grief out of your body and transform them to JOY! You’ll also learn exactly what to do to release stress, tension and emotion that builds up daily, and how to find the right music for you to perform these for yourself in the future.

Ideal times to do this include major life changes or events such as:

  • When you know you’re mad, sad enraged or have grief

  • During and after divorce, separation, death

  • Ending a relationship or job/career

  • Emotional events / traumas

  • Negative people or discord in relationships of any kind

  • Challenging life events and situations