Healing Symbols

Symbols and descriptions by Derek O'Neill

Prema Agni

Represents the unification of peace

Prema Agni represents the unification of peace. In this symbol, all religions are honored, all mathematical laws are honored, and all manifestation is honored. This symbol can be drawn on anyone by anyone to open the sacred heart and return inclusiveness and unity into our lives. 

The Prema Agni offers a powerful energy treatment by simply drawing it on the back. Drawing the symbol opens up the sacred heart, allowing us to give and receive love more deeply. It can be drawn on anyone, by anyone. To honor this system, we ask that upon receiving this symbol, you pledge to donate $7 to a good cause (not to the person who draws it for you).

To learn how to draw the Prema Agni symbol, click HERE




Rising Star

The top of the star represents the Crown Chakra. The heart shape represents the Heart Chakra. The bottom, center of the triangle is the Root Chakra. Therefore within the symbol, the seven chakras are represented. There are five strokes coming from the bottom of the star and three strokes coming out of the sides of the star. The three strokes on each side of the star are wings and the five strokes below are a tail. Together they represent the peacock, which represents the ego.
Five plus three equals eight. Eight and three equal eleven. The number eleven is Christ Consciousness.





Manifestation Through The 8 Fold Path

Premapranahuti is the third symbol of the trinity, following Prema Agni and Rising Star – three being the number of manifestation. This symbol represents prana (chi), the life force energy that permeates the universe. This type of energy is associated with action fueled by breath.

This symbol also represents the 8 Fold Path, also known as the Middle Path in Buddhism. This symbol is a part of a trinity of symbols known as: Aum Sri Prema Agni, Aum Shri Rising Star and Aum Shri Premapranahuti. Three is the number of manifestation and this symbol manifests the three Yagna fires for all who see or wear it. In most religions, three also represents the three sources of  the Divine, i.e. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva etc. The Prema Agni represents the awakening of the sacred heart so that unconditional love flows. The Rising Star represents the physical body which is in need of guidance and healing from the Divine source. The Premapranahuti represents the Divine breath, the Life Source of all creation. It represents a way of living, a reminder to love all, serve all and live in love. The Premapranahuti comes from Source to humanity to awaken us to the Divine nature that is within us so that we may be free to walk the path of service to humanity. The symbol itself is an amalgamation of all that has ever or will ever be created in Divine accord.